James and Jude are letters from James and Jude respectively, who are half-brothers of our Lord Jesus. The timeless truth that James presents is that believers must harmonize their faith and action. Our faith must be demonstrated in all situations of life—at home, at work, in church, in the neighborhood. Jude writes to warn believers about false teachers and their heresy. He calls on believers to contend for the apostolic faith.
James & Jude: A Pentecostal Commentary
James and Jude are letters from James and Jude respectively, who are half-brothers of our Lord Jesus. The timeless truth that James presents is that believers must harmonize their faith and action. Our faith must be demonstrated in all situations of life—at home, at work, in church, in the neighborhood. Jude writes to warn believers about false teachers and their heresy. He calls on believers to contend for the apostolic faith.
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